How to Find Trustworthy Remote Employees to Grow Your Business

Finding reliable remote employees is crucial to the success of any growing business. As companies expand their remote teams, particularly in regions like Latin America (LatAm), the need to find dependable and trustworthy employees becomes more important than ever. LatAm offers a diverse and skilled talent pool, making it a great region to source remote workers, but how can you ensure you hire someone you can trust to deliver quality work?

This guide will walk you through actionable steps on how to find trustworthy remote employees, focusing on the key areas that will help you build a reliable and effective team.

1. Use Reputable Hiring Platforms

One of the best ways to ensure you find trustworthy remote employees is by using reputable hiring platforms that specialize in remote talent. There are numerous job sites available, but not all platforms are created equal. Some platforms allow candidates to self-report their skills and experience, leading to inconsistencies and potential misrepresentation.

What to look for in a hiring platform:
  • Pre-vetted candidates: Choose platforms that actively screen candidates, verifying their skills, work history, and even identity.
  • Specialized talent pools: If you’re specifically looking for LatAm talent, use a platform that caters to remote opportunities in that region. Platforms like LatHire specialize in LatAm professionals and ensure they’re pre-vetted before being listed.

By starting your hiring process on a reputable platform, you’re already reducing the risk of hiring someone untrustworthy.

2. Conduct Thorough Interviews

Once you’ve narrowed down potential candidates, conducting a thorough interview is critical. With remote employees, you’re not just assessing their skills — you’re evaluating their reliability, communication style, and how well they fit your company’s culture.

Tips for effective remote interviews:
  • Use video interviews: A video interview provides a better sense of the candidate’s professionalism and communication style. You can pick up on non-verbal cues that may not come through in phone interviews or emails.
  • Ask situational questions: Ask the candidate how they would handle specific scenarios, especially those that test their reliability, problem-solving abilities, and communication in a remote environment.
  • Assess cultural fit: Look for candidates who not only have the technical skills but also align with your company’s values. If you’re hiring from LatAm, cultural synergy can be a key advantage, so make sure the candidate is comfortable working with an international team.

Taking the time to interview thoroughly is essential to find trustworthy remote workers who can integrate seamlessly into your team.

3. Look for Consistent Freelance or Remote Experience

When hiring for remote roles, prior experience working remotely or in freelance capacities is a valuable asset. Remote work requires a high level of self-discipline, time management, and accountability, skills that are often honed in previous remote roles.

Questions to ask about remote experience:
  • What systems and tools have they used? Whether it’s project management tools like Asana or Slack, having experience with remote collaboration tools shows they can adapt to your systems.
  • How do they manage their time? Remote employees need to balance their workload without direct supervision. Ask candidates about their time management techniques and how they prioritize tasks.
  • Can they handle the challenges of remote work? Freelancers and remote workers often deal with unique challenges like isolation, time zone differences, and balancing multiple clients. Candidates with significant freelance experience likely have a proven track record of overcoming these obstacles.

By focusing on candidates with consistent freelance or remote experience, you reduce the risk of hiring someone who may struggle to adapt to remote work.

4. Trust, But Verify

Even when a candidate seems perfect on paper, it’s essential to verify their experience, skills, and reliability before fully committing. This step can involve reference checks and trial periods, both of which offer invaluable insight into the candidate’s capabilities.

Conduct Reference Checks

Don’t skip this crucial step. Checking a candidate’s references is one of the most reliable ways to confirm that they are who they say they are. Ask their previous employers or clients about their reliability, communication skills, and work ethic.

Use a Trial Period

A trial period allows you to test the candidate in a real-world setting before committing to a long-term contract. This can be especially useful for remote positions where it’s harder to observe day-to-day performance. During the trial, evaluate:

  • Communication: Are they responsive and proactive in their updates?
  • Work quality: Is their output meeting or exceeding your expectations?
  • Professionalism: Do they adhere to deadlines and follow instructions?

This "trust, but verify" approach ensures that you are hiring someone who can deliver on their promises while reducing your risk.

5. Review Their Track Record and Portfolio

A candidate’s track record is often the best indicator of their future performance. When hiring for remote roles, this can be particularly important because you won’t have the same day-to-day oversight as with in-office employees.

What to look for:
  • Work history: Look for candidates who have a stable and consistent work history. Frequent job changes can indicate a lack of commitment.
  • Portfolio or case studies: If you’re hiring for a technical or creative role, ask for a portfolio or examples of previous work. Reviewing their past work will give you a clearer idea of their skills and capabilities.
  • Client feedback or reviews: Some platforms allow candidates to receive reviews from previous clients or employers. These reviews can provide insight into how the candidate handles remote work, deadlines, and collaboration.

A proven track record of success in remote roles shows that the candidate is capable of delivering consistent, high-quality work.

6. Ask Your Network for Referrals

Sometimes the best way to find trustworthy remote employees is through referrals. Your personal and professional network can be a valuable resource when looking for reliable candidates. Colleagues, friends, or other business owners may have recommendations for skilled remote employees they’ve worked with before.

How to ask for referrals:
  • Be specific: Let your network know exactly what type of role you’re looking to fill and the skills needed.
  • Mention any must-haves: If you’re looking for someone with remote experience or familiarity with specific tools, make sure to mention that.
  • Stay open to feedback: Even if the person referred doesn’t seem like a perfect fit, they may still be a strong candidate once you learn more about their experience.

Referrals are often a more trusted method of finding candidates since the person recommending them is likely vouching for their work ethic and reliability.


Hiring trustworthy remote employees is essential for growing your business effectively, and while it can seem challenging at first, following these steps will help you find reliable, skilled workers from LatAm or other regions. By using reputable platforms, conducting thorough interviews, verifying experience, and paying attention to red flags, you’ll build a strong team capable of driving your company forward.

Looking for dependable remote talent? Platforms like LatHire connect you with pre-vetted LatAm professionals, ensuring you find reliable candidates who can help scale your business with confidence.